The Power of Good and Evil
Wednesday August 18, 2009
Wednesday August 18, 2009
As many of you know, scripture tells us the world is not about flesh and blood, but about the powers of good and evil. From conversations with the many Christians we meet and the more we learn about Ethiopia, we see that this is so very true here. The battle is over souls. The battle is won by Satin with every child that is not adopted, every street child that is starving and receives no love, every HIV/AIDS victim and doesn’t get help, and every soul that perishes without the Love of Jesus. As Bryan and I go about Gods business here, we can see this battle more than perhaps we see it at home and maybe this is because we are so busy at home to pay attention. Or maybe it is because we are a “Christian” Nation. Perhaps Satin is targeting the weaker because the victory is easier for him. Last night we learned that this country is slowly turning more Muslim because of the fact that people are allowed to travel to the Middle East for job opportunities. As they leave here as an Orthodox or perhaps even with no faith at all, they return to Ethiopia as Muslims.
As I left the States, I could see the battle in my family so clearly as Satin would want nothing more than Bryan and I to stay home. With 9 children the strife increase to high levels with some of the children to the point where if I didn’t have spent so much money I easily could of stayed home. Many of you know that when you are a Sunday school teacher, or going to witness the Gospels love for mankind, that Satin will cause trouble or place doubt in your mind that you’re doing the wrong thing. A great example would be how every morning during the week, your children get up, get dress, and may go through all the so called “Normal” activities with no problems. But what kind of Chaos breaks out on Sunday morning when you’re try to get them out to church.
With all this said, please pray for Bryan and I even harder than before. Please pray for our family’s even more than that as we don’t want Satin to win any battles. Please pray specifically against the powers of evil, and for our children, and our wives, as with our absence every tear that’s cried every disagreement or fight that breaks out, or even just any problem big or small, just makes everything more difficult for everyone.
For those of you who have been faithfully praying I ask of you to please step it up a notch, as the battle belongs to the Lord!
Thank you for every prayer lifted to Heaven for our Families, ourselves, and the lost and dying world that is all around us.
May God richly bless you today!
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